Partnerships Durham College 1COMMUNITY1 has partnered with Durham College DC ORSIE Department and the AI Hub in the development of 1C1 technology requirements. Phase I of the project is generously funded via the College Voucher for Technology Adoption (CVTA) through the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE). Clarington and CBOT Clarington Mayor Adrian Foster, the Municipality of Clarington and the Clarington Board of Trade (CBOT) endorse and support the collaborative project between 1COMMUNITY1 and Durham College. UP! Series Sales talks A free monthly series held in Whitby, for those who want to learn how to attract, retain and grow a client base. Sponsored by: Business Advisory Centre of Durham (BACD) Del Duca / Auddino RBC Wealth Management Town of Whitby 1COMMUNITY1 Start-up Durham 1COMMUNITY1 is a Community Partner Startup Durham – a community of entrepreneurs on a mission to build an inclusive culture of momentum and success in Durham Region.